Chicken Soup

About Us

Because we love pets too... We started making our own pet food because we understand the unique relationship between people and pets. Ever since we created our first bestselling pet book, we’ve been reading your stories—sharing your laughter, tears and, most importantly, your love for your pets. Mealtime is one of those special moments when we all connect with our pets. That’s why we say that “food is more than just nutrition, it’s also about comfort, love and appreciation.” Making wholesome and balanced pet food is part of our mission to share happiness, inspiration and wellness in everything we do, so that wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, Chicken Soup for the Soul is “always there for you™.” And of course, there’s a great pet story from one of our books on every package.

Because food is more than just nutrition… We make our pet food for your pets and ours. It’s specially formulated to provide the nutrition they need at every stage of life. We have food for kittens and puppies, for adult pets, for animals that need to lose weight, and for older dogs and cats. All of our food is made with a blend of several meats, fruits, vegetables and grains, so that your pets get all the nutrition they need.

Because it’s important to give back, we use adopted pets as our models… A number of us at Chicken Soup for the Soul have adopted animals from shelters. So, when it came time to shoot the photos for our new pet food packaging, we had an idea. Instead of paying for “professional” pet models, we donated money to a local shelter and featured some of their cats and dogs, ones that had recently found their "forever homes." .


Our Commitment to Animals

We publish books about pets and produce a line of high quality dog and cat food because we understand the special bond between people and animals. We also know that some of the most meaningful owner-pet relationships begin with adoptions from shelters, which is why we've partnered with animal shelters to support their mission to help find cats and dogs their forever homes. To help promote the health and well being of animals everywhere a portion of all of the proceeds from the sale of our pet food is donated through the Humpty Dumpty Institute to support its animal care programs.