Shop / Litter Boxes & Supplies / Dr. Elsey's Respiratory Relief Clumping Cat Litter Dr. Elsey's Dr. Elsey's Respiratory Relief Clumping Cat Litter Weight: 20 lb $16.99 Sorry, this product is currently out of stock. Information Dr. Elsey's Respiratory Relief Clumping Cat Litter helps control respiratory disease in cats because the litters are low in dust and hypo-allergenic with no plant proteins, perfumes or deodorants. The natural essences in the litter along with the low dust help to reduce stress which can be an important factor in controlling Feline Respiratory Disease. Key Benefits: -Reduces Stress -99.9% Dust Free -Hypo-allergenic – No Plant Proteins -Hard Clumping -All Natural -Works with shifting/mechanical litter boxes -Superior Odor Control Customers also liked Customer Reviews